
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So I have started early

I have started to wash all the crib sheets and small baby blankets. My girls get into them any way. Might as well get them all cleaned and packed into plastic tubs. So I'm not always trying to wash them. My girls for some reason have to pull everything off of the shelves. And out of the drawers. They are 3 now but don't listen to me about staying out of stuff that's not theirs.

I'm also gonna be going through all the kids clothes that Iv saved. but not for several months. I don't care what the sex of the baby is but I'm thinking there are 2 in there. I starting to think that they are 2 boys. I'm getting very excited about this.

I asked my girls do you want a boy or girl and Eve says girl, and Penny says boy and a girl. so I'm hopping I get to find out how many are in there at the first doc apt. July 16Th is so far away. It needs to come faster.

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