
Saturday, January 16, 2010

What Am I Waiting For

I was listening to my favorite radio station last night as I do every night. And she had some really good things to say and everything she says is uplifting and shes the guru of love. She can see smiles on faces of people bit by the love bug through phone lines. But one things she said last night is to stop waiting. We all wait till work is over, wait till the kids go to bed, we are a civilization of people waiting.
Delilah Blog

That's where it got me to thinking. What am I'm waiting for when I can be doing. When I go to classes I wait for them to start but I don't want them to end I enjoy them. So I'm thinking If I cant wait for the kids to go to bed is it because I don't enjoy them. Of course not I love them. I had to think about it and I did that for a while last night. What I decided to do is stop waiting for things to end so I can enjoy the next thing, but to enjoy them now and continue to enjoy what I'm waiting for. this way I'm enjoying everything all the time. Make sense right. Well Kinda. There will always be things I just want to be over like bad things. But even bad things happen for a reason. Like speeding tickets they are bad because who wants to pay for them. But you get them because you need to slow things down. Not that I got a speeding ticket. But once again its life telling you to slow down take your time enjoy what is happening now . So that's what I'm going to try to do, enjoy the now and not wait till tomorrow. But that does not mean I'm going to do my chores today that can wait till tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is so insightful. I'm totally guilty of this and I have to remind myself on a regular basis to slow down and enjoy THIS moment. Thanks for the reminder. <3

Megan S said...

I'm guilty of this, too. Good post, Kor.

Melia said...

Very insightful.

Anonymous said...

This is very insightful. So much of my day is spent waiting: waiting for a client, for the computer, for my lunch hour, until it's time to go home, it seems like some days all I do is wait. I try to be in those in-between moments but it doesn't always work.

ram said...

So true! I do this all the time, and I should be doing instead of waiting. Good reminder!

gradmama said...

This is so true and sort of goes along with what I've been learning about just being present in the moment. It takes practice though, huh? Thanks for sharing!